
Indoor Pollution
Pollution generated in confined environments, typically wherever where human activities take place (schools, offices, hospitals, etc.), is perhaps one of the most intractable problems to manage in terms of analysis and research carried out with a view to finding good compensatory solutions. The difficulty lies in trying to create well-being and healthy conditions in line with the environmental quality standards required by specific regulations. Chemical, biological, and physical agents require a strong multi-disciplinarity approach that can only be achieved through a qualified team with cutting edge professional knowledge and skill sets.

Outdoor Pollution
The atmospheric and electromagnetic pollution found in urban city centers is a constantly growing problem that requires appropriate solutions. Amongst other factors, the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body has drawn particular attention in academic and operational circles. The consolidated relationships between the Electromagnetic Fields Departments of a number of the most important Universities of Rome, as well as other academic departments, from where Industry’s top experts are drawn and where many ECST team members work, allows us to keep in touch with the latest research and innovation and enhances our ability to implement the latest solutions.

The world of acoustics is of great importance for active design and passive protection. Nowadays, infrastructures must comply with constructive standards which also require innovative acoustic solutions. The acoustic impact of technological installations requires in-depth analysis both in the design phase of new constructions, for building renovations, and generally for building sites. For example, conference rooms and auditoriums need specific audio optimal systems where the right choice of appropriate equipment requires specialized market knowledge. EVAC systems also require fundamental acoustical expertise for a full compliance design in line with specific regulations.

One the main topics currently at the center of debate by professionals is the growing requirement, and perceived need, for periodic and systematic detection of chemical, physical and biological parameters through the use of specific instrumentation. Monitoring is a concept that can be applied to a variety of different areas and is indispensable for verifying compliance with design specifications and regulations. In some cases, such as that of electrical systems, monitoring is seen as a necessary preventative measure to avoid issues and events – such as fires – that would otherwise generate serious consequences for the structure. In the field of telecommunications, High Frequency is one of the areas in which our professionals are focused.